@Karen F.
Just coming in here to give you props for being absolutely dead on with your corona analysis. Everyone likes to pretend these things don't exist and China isn't constantly finding new ways to produce new viruses, but you had the courage to sound the alarm bells and persist.
The good news is the US has adopted a policy of social alienation to mitigate the spread, but there are places like Texas where plenty of people are still acting like it's no big deal. So there will be waves of infections, even when the curve is flattened, hospitals will be overwhelmed and plenty with pre exisiting conditions will not make it.
As far as rent, I think enough measures are in place in terms of short term mortgage help from the govt to not lose properties over this. Health of the nation is by far the most important thing, and we all need to not touch things, stay away from other humans for atleast a month and be very careful about any groceries we bring into house to keep the impact of the corona virus down relative to places like Italy.