@Marissa Contreras
First let me put this out they for everyone to see. The entity (LLC/corporation) is not a tax structure, and the tax structure (disregard entity, s-corp, c-corp) is not the entry. So many do not understand this.
Next, the LLC typically has to be formed in the state the property is in. The owner of that LLC can be in another state (and should be for protection). NV is the best state to have the holding company in. It has the best laws and best case law to protect you and the assets.
In order to get the protection, a lawyer that specializes in asset protection needs to setup everything, including CORRECTLY worded operation agreements. This operating agent needs to make sure, even if there is a judgement, the Holding LLC isn't required to pay out. Very important step. The IRS actually helped out in case law with this, in the event of a judgement, the IRS gets to collect, even, when the plaintiff can't collect. So they pay taxes on money they can't reach, that includes the lawyer on the other side has to pay taxes on money he can't collect either. This fortress makes lawyers resistant to take on the case to sue you.
The other side of the coin. Let's say it's not one of your business that gets sued, it's you. Maybe you ran a red light and caused an accident, or blew a tire and resulted in an accident. You want to protect your assets from you. Say uou have 5 properties valued at 200k, that's a million in assets someone could sue you for because you own them.
Larry Oxenham at American society for asset protection gave a really great training on this whole topic.