Hello investors! I am exploring the world of creative financing and alternative financing and have stumbled upon the master lease agreement in my studies. I am looking for some mentorship on this subject. I understand specifically what it entails:
1. We agree on an amount for down payment
2. We agree on monthly payment
3. We agree on terms of loan: i.e. purchase for 100k note due on "x" ( 3 years ) at end of lease. So if we agreed on 1,000 a month, for 3 years I would owe $64,000
4. Right to an Equity Title: I get all rights to profit from property during said term i.e. tenant lease profits and if I sell at/on or refinance on term due date. So if I sell for 200k I get profit on that as well.
That is really all I can dig up and research. I am looking for someone who could possibly offer more on this, what are some specific terms to make sure are in the agreement. I have not found a good reference point online for a master lease agreement to work from.
Is there anyone who can offer some guidance. I understand this is a matter of opinion on any advice or reference points given and I would seek advice from an attorney and this is being used for my education purpose.
Thank you in advance,
Macon, Ga