@Stephanie Mccolaugh the entire talk and consideration people are having today on what should one do because of the interest rate stepping up, to be honest, is laughable.
Why is it laughable? Because we are talking going from insanely low interest rates too really low interest rates. Or "oh my gosh" what if the interest rates go all the way up to normalized levels. Yeah, it's just ridiculous talk, yet again driven by those who produce content for income and thus they need to constantly have something of shock to sell and doom & gloom sells like hot-cakes, so it's all about finding any way to sell the fear.
Talk with investors from the 80's, they laugh, hard, when asking about interest rate impact. Generally the statement is being it up when it actually matters, like 8%+. They will have stories of what it was like in a 14+ environment, and guess what, they sky didn't fall then either.
But hey, who am I to interrupt someone's panic induced melt-down, right, someone's gotta support Zoloft sales cause it sure ain't me.
To answer, what approach am I and my investors taking with impending interest rate hikes, which are measured in fractions of a percentage? We change our analysis numbers from 4.5% too 4.75% on origination interest rate. Seriously, that's the grand total impact of it for us. AND we are buying every good deal we can get our hand's on.
How about this counter item, what are you doing about the impact of the appreciation rate of rents? Or the profitable margin between the two (interest rate vs rental rate incomes).
For those waiting for median home prices to go down, lol, hope ya got a few decades handy for that because your gonna need it. Look, I can site a multitude of data based reasons for this but let's take the simplest of them all, inflation. Inflation alone is now coming home to roost AND by every law of economics it does not happen quickly, this is a cycle thing, 4X to be exact, before stability is realized or I should say CAN be realized. So this is the beginning of the beginning for inflation. We are starting to see cycle 2 kicking off for inflation and that is when it is first realized in wages inflation. Now as wages have to increase guess what that does to the cost of goods, yup, they go up MORE. And this cycles goes in waves until things start to settle. And that is if we don't have a few trillion more dumped into existence which so far it seems like it's a spending spree.
And if anyone wants to talk about BIG interest rate increases, well just do some simple math and answer at what interest rate % the U.S. debt becomes immediately unserviceable, because that's the cap on interest rates folks, unless a Dollar Default seems a good idea. And you may be shocked to find how small that # is for a hard cap, it's far FAR lower then rates of the 80's. So we are either in this world of inflation too address inflation, letting inflation run, or end the dollar.
So yeah, what is there to wait for? Higher prices?