Eliminating all debt and living below your means negates the majority of concerns listed here. And having cash reserves to pull from to avoid over-depleting long-term investments when markets are down (for retirees), is also wise. For those of us still grinding, the same principles apply, only now that extra cash can result in opportunities to buy companies at a discount.
People who know what they are doing won't panic regardless of which side of the stock market/real estate investment strategy they live by. They know they can gain back any losses with the same strategies they built their current stash, as their approach is principle-based and will stand the test of time.
I don't know whether we're near another bear market or not. I just know my strategy is for the long-term and won't change much, regardless of what the market does for the foreseeable future.
Here's hoping that whatever happens doesn't negatively impact those of you (and others) beyond what you can quickly recover from, regardless of which side you argue.
A house built on sand....