Hi Hailey, I live and work in Ames (I actually work at the same place as Rick ^^). I agree with Rick - my sense has been that you can get houses in the Des Moines area for a lower cost than you could find in Ames, and they rent for the same price, resulting in a higher profit margin. The growth of ISU hasn't been as significant as what was projected, so there has been a bunch of new housing, which I think has been more challenging to fill due to the lack of growth and increased housing (i.e. more supply but less demand).
I did recently talk to someone who works as a property manager in Ames and she said that they were raising rent costs again, but that isn't convincing enough for me.
I live in Ames and work in Ames but am investing in the Des Moines area just because I think you can have a greater profit margin than what you can find in Ames.
Real estate investors continue to buy in Ames and they will make money doing so, but I just think there is more money to be made in the DSM area unless you are wanting to buy at a much larger scale (like apartment complexes).
Let me know if I can help in any way!