@Connor Francis
Hang in there! What you are overwhelmed with now, you won't be overwhelmed with a month or two down the road. Every investor goes through this stage. It just takes time, effort, determination, and a little patients. The hardest thing I would think is making the first steps (which is what you are doing now).
There is always a more efficient way in everything, you just have to find it. I don't know what your financial state is, but if you don't have the funds for a down payment ( or whatever it may be) don't be afraid to ask family members that want to see you succeed. Or maybe even partner up with somebody that has been around the block a time or two and you guys go half and half on a down payment. (Just food for thought)
On the mentor part, that's completely up to you. I'm sure it wouldnt hurt anything for you to have a mentor, it may even clear things up for you, however I would advise on not spending thousands on one. And make sure your mentor has had success doing whatever it is that you are wanting to do. It also wouldn't hurt to maybe have someone that you can just talk real estate with. I'm a shop foreman at a machine shop and some of the biggest epiphanies I've ever had (machining wise) is just talking to some of my guys and simply just picking at each others brains.
If your wanting to do flips( or whatever it is that you are wanting to do) then I would suggest research stuff on flips only. It's so easy to get caught up in all the other things, which results in confusion and can potentially scare new investors away.
I don't know if that helps out much, if at all, but try and keep your head above water.