Lots of information here, guys, Thanks.
In all fairness, I want to be clear -
1.) the Property Manager went to visit the property when the 2nd month rent came due and wasn't paid;
2.) since our tenant had a terminal diagnosis, we asked the PM to give them some flexibility. However, her parents, who lived with her were instructed, in writing, that they MUST let us know that there were issues. If they did that, we waved the late fee. On a couple of occasions, I believe they did that.
3.) The tenant lived in that house 3 years. They lived in another house we owned for a year, but when her condition deteriorated and she needed her parents to move in to help, we offered another house we owned that had a finished basement with two bedrooms, full bath, kitchenette.
4.) A year ago (Oct of 2018) we found the house in deplorable condition. The PM told us that was grounds for eviction. However, we didn't feel right to put a dying woman, her children and care-giver parents out on the street. That's why we offered to pay for a monthly cleaning service. At our request, the PM agreed to keep an eye on the situation.
Our PM doesn't do any repairs. They let us know when a repair is needed and we tell them to send one of their people up or we find someone. Unfortunately, we get complaints from tenants that they wait months before the PM responds to a call about a problem. Consequently the tenants call us first. We have our own team of contractors we call when necessary.
If a PMs sole job is to collect rent, then a pre-paid self addressed envelop is a whole lot cheaper than the almost $100 per house we currently pay. (Apologies to all PMs who do a good job watching the properties in their care.)
We fully intend to fire this PM. I'm turning to you to help me determine if we contract with another firm and what to look for. I doubt that we will pursue legal relief since it can be argued that our compassionate treatment may be a contributing factor.
One final point: One of our houses is surrounded by trees. We asked the PM to send someone up there a couple of times to clean the gutters. They claimed they were doing that. It cost us about $2000 to replace an outside wall that collapsed due to water overflowing the gutters and draining down the wall for months - even years. We should have learned then that we couldn't depend on them.
(Besides giving me your great advice, I truly appreciate that this forum gives me space to vent!)