@Laura Smith LLC is not designed for tax purposes. It's for limiting liability, eg. you can't loose more than the total equity in your LLC. In fact, in most cases, you pay more (taxes and fees) for having a LLC, eg. in CA it's $800+/year. If you are the sole owner of the LLC, income/lose is considered pass through to your personal tax. To get tax benefit, you need a C-corp where corporate tax rate might be lower than your personal as well as being able to move revenue around from one calendar year to another, but for small number of rental properties, it's not worth it.
For me, to feel safer, I'd spend the money to increase the liability coverage and get an umbrella insurance.
Even if you have multiple properties, putting them all in one LLC still expose you to the risk of loosing them all, unless you have individual LLC/property. So getting an umbrella ($1M-2M) to cover all of them is more economical.
For your PR, it's definitely a bad idea to put it into a LLC. Why do you want to pay yourself and incur the cost of maintaining the LLC? Also you can't get owner occupied mortgage and home insurance rates. And since you won't sue yourself, personal liability is not a problem anyhow. And most importantly, you also loose the personal capital gain tax exemption ($250K/ind) when you sell. However, you're correct that you can't deduct the home improvement cost from your income easily for owner occupied PR, but, you are not supposed to anyway.