@Jonathan Safa, I would love to share the broad strokes, I will however wait to post details until after closing.
The basis of my presentation was being honest and up front. I talked directly to the seller and poured out my situation and aspirations, This will be the biggest deal that I have done by a long shot and that I was looking to be where he is now. I talked about my plans for the property, laid out our 36-month renovation plans and had professional design renderings for the interior and exterior, let him know that I would care for the property and tenants as much as he had. I spoke to the strength of my team, designer, CPA, Contractor all of which I have worked with and known for years. Designer=Wife, CPA=Business partner and best friend, Contractor=local area contact that I have known for years. I spoke to how his seller financing makes him part of the future of the property and the area as a whole. I spoke to and applauded his contributions to the neighborhood and the property to date. The presentation took about an hour all together