To clarify, there is no asking of cash straight away, but the offer is to carry some of the finance costs for a return on my money, while also getting experience. I will sit this one out, and hope to build a solid relationship while watching from the sidelines.
@Ned Carey, thank you. I appreciate the words of wisdom.
@Sharad M., we happened to be sitting at the same table at the meeting, so kind of a mutual approach. There is not any monetary transfer for time. Thank you for your post.
@Paul Timmins, I'm not sure I followed your post. It was a bit confusing. Do you mind clarifying for me? I do, however, appreciate you taking the time to post.
@Adrian Tilley, you are correct there isn't much to lose, I don't plan on placing money with people I don't know. Still, I think it's good to get a head start, in case we do partner up someday.
@Kyle Doney, good thought. Thanks.
@Mary B., you have given me much to do and got my wheels turning. Thank you for your input.
Thank you all for your sage advice. It has been helpful. If there are any ideas not yet posted, please keep them coming. I will take all the help you have to offer.