I just got back from meeting with my mastermind group in Florida and this was a group of half a dozen high level high achievers… and when you look at our schedules, you’ll see that we each are SWAMPED with stuff to do.
Now certainly not all real estate investors want to work at that level. Some people just want to invest in turnkey cash flowing properties and not deal with the motivated sellers or the contractors. If that’s your goal as an investor, that’s fine – and the easiest thing to do is just make sure you’re signed up to get email updates from me and you’ll get a chance to take part in the turnkey cash flow deals that I have from time to time.
But some of you reading this want to go big – you want to flip properties, or you want to be more of a hands-on investor, or you want to create a gigantic empire, or you want to provide turnkey cash flowing properties to others. There’s a lot to do in a day so how do YOU master your time?
Here are 7 strategies to help you:
1. Find your best time to work. You might have the full day ahead of you but we each have a peak time that we can operate in at our most effective and efficient. For me, it’s fairly early in the morning, after the kids leave for school. I can usually get more done in that time than most people do all day.
2. Work with a good team. If you try to do everything by yourself, you’ll hit a ceiling pretty quickly. Find good people that you like to work with and bring them on board. Show them how you like things done and give them to the tools to make that happen.
3. Learn. Never stop learning and growing. You might know enough right now to do the kind of deals you want to do but there’s always an opportunity to learn more. That’s one of the reasons I teach others through my site TheFlipKing.com – it’s because as I teach, I push myself to learn.
4. Set big goals. If you just want to “do deals” all day long, you’ll “succeed” by doing any form of effort. But that’s not how you should set your sights. Rather, you should create goals that inspire and challenge you so you rise to the occasion to make them happen.
5. Push yourself. We live in a society that is focused on ease and convenience, and the people who want to make things easy on themselves will never get very far. My mastermind group pushes themselves and each other HARD. Pushing yourself beyond what you think you can do is the only way to get where you want to go.
6. Over-commit. If you find it challenging to get things done, make a lot of promises to other people. When we make commitments to others, we’re less likely to break those commitments. So make a lot of them to other people and you’ll push yourself to deliver.
7. Strike a balance. Within all of these things, you still need to make sure that you find a balance, including time to step away from it all to collect your own thoughts, as well as time to spend with your family. This will keep you grounded and remind you what’s really important.
ACTION STEP: When you create your schedule each week, make sure you have this list nearby so you can make sure that you’re not just managing your time but mastering it.