@Paul Santos You can do all this yourself. The feds grant you an EIN number which will be necessary to get your bank account... business credit will be extended to you based off of the income/profit your business generates and that is bank specific so you'll have to talk to them about it (I don't worry about business credit because it's not my goal). I stand by my assertion that legal help is unnecessary in Arizona. I've sat down with an attorney who owns lots of real estate himself in Arizona and they basically told me it's a waste of time not only getting an LLC but to pay someone to do it for you. I had my own reasons for doing it so I took part of his advice and pressed on by establishing the LLC on my own. The operating agreement is not necessary to file in Arizona but it's good to have one to designate things like who has signature authority to purchase, sell, assign holdings of the LLC etc. You can find pretty good templates on the internet and take the time to tweak them to your liking, especially if your LLC is just for you and spouse. Operating agreements can be created and upgraded at any time because they are not filed with the ACC, they are for your personal filing and use.
Biggest thing I'd say is, don't count on the LLC to "protect" you in real estate... still get insurance.