Thanks for the warm welcome.
@Arthur L Dusenbury It's about an hour away. I would look closer. However, from a finacial stand point. My price range would be what's out in Rockford. Would you happen to know any similar locations around Elgin IL?
@Nate Shields Thanks for the info.
@John Warren I would but I would direct you to my comment to Arthur, mainly an issue of price point with the financing I have. Similar to the question for Arthur. Do you know any place similar to Rockford's price point closer to Elgin IL?
@Craig Wilcox Hey, Thanks for the invite. If i decided to go I'll let you know.
I'm also kind of wondering... If anyone knows a good source to read or look at for property management. I'm wondering about the fee's they would charge when vacancies occur. Do they still charge their fee's even if there is a vacancy? I would think so. I'm just wondering what actually occurs/what people's experience with this are?