This is absolutely crazy. It’s maddening.
If you count going to store to buy a couple blinds and installing them that’s a couple hour job max. That is with travel time. If the brackets are already there it’s even simpler.
Caulking a tub is even easier. Maybe a little elbow grease if old caulk is nasty. Remove old caulk clean surfaces fill tub with water re caulk. It’s like a 15 min job
Tighten toilet bolts for real. It takes longer to get up and down on floor than it does to tighten bolts same goes for seat. Both can be done in 2 minutes
A deadbolt can be done in an hour. Drill a couple holes with a jig.
Spackle some nail holes. Even if there are 50 that not hard. Another hour job tops
Tightens door knob is 2 minutes 5 if you have to take it apart.
A light switch replace is 15 minutes.
Changing light bulbs 1 minute. Take out old bulb put in new bulb
Tightened thermostat 1 minute.
Screen door can be done at hardware store or u can get kit regardless it’s a very simple job. Not even hour.
with traveling this is five hours tops. There are a lot of filler items that they are trying to justify time. Tighten bolts on toilets and thermostats are not even worth talking about. They are 1 minute jobs.
I personally think they are taking you on a ride. 24 hours of labor is insane. A small bathroom can be gutted and drywalled new tile new electrical new shower everything in five days or 40 hours. with two guys.