The anti-shutdown people are ridiculous. Americans survived World War I (1914 to 1918), the Great Depression (1930 to 1941) and World War II (1941 to 1945) and went on to build the greatest country and economic opportunity ever and people are now whining that they have to curtail their activities for a month or two to protect the lives of millions of Americans? Selfish 4ucks! Are we that lame that we cannot survive NOT going to the Mall and the Cheesecake Factory for a few months? Missing out on sporting events and concerts? Really? Your great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents would be ashamed of you. Learn about self-sacrifice for the greater good. The initial estimates were that 1 to 2 million could die without mitigation efforts, we have definitely "flattened the curve" since the mortality estimate now stands at less than 100,000. That is all because of social distancing and the shutdown. This is NOT "the flu," this is a novel virus that is highly contagious and devastating and we have no treatments or vaccine for it. We are trying to buy time and it is working because most Americans are decent, intelligent, responsible people who care about their neighbors.
@John Chang: "there's no denying that shutting down the entire country will do irreversible damage to the country, to the economy"
No one is shutting down the entire country, just the non-essential businesses (looking at you tattoo parlors) and no, there will be no "irreversible" damage, that is absurd. America will get through this and get back to work and continue to kick a$$ as we have before. Be a patriot, not a pansy.
As far as churches: are you only Christian/Jewish/Muslim if you can go to your house of worship weekly? Really? Is that how it works? Because I thought you could practice your religion in your own home, on your own time, in your own heart and mind, not have to physically show up to some random building weekly to prove to yourself and others what you believe. You're all squawking that the First Amendment protects your religion from government interference but guess what? The government is now trying to protect all of us from you spreading around the highly contagious virus that you picked up in your Sunday petri dish. Deal with it. I don't think you're going to get hit by lightning for skipping church for a few weeks.
As for the psychological risks of the shutdown (suicide, drug/alcohol use, child abuse, domestic violence), this is why we need a strong social safety net, such as food banks, free health clinics, volunteer organizations that can help people weather the economic and other stress we are all going through. Isolating does not mean turning a blind eye to the fact that others are in a worse position than we are. Donate, volunteer, do what you can to lend a helping hand until this giant suckfest is over.
More education for those of you who do not understand medicine/science: the death rate is not inflated, many patients are being diagnosed with COVID-19 clinically, meaning they may not have been tested but are presumed to have the disease based on their clinical presentation. This does count as a COVID-19 death, it does not mean doctors are wrongly attributing deaths to the disease.
Disclaimer: I am a physician who works in a long term care facility, we have dozens of sick patients and sick staff members, including one patient death so far (and expecting more unfortunately). We were in PPE at work for weeks, social distancing, had eliminated family visits, meetings, basically any extraneous work or staffing as best we could and it still got into our facility. I was one of the most strict staff members there and became the second staff member infected in spite of how careful I was being. Spent 16 days in bed including a trip to the ER on day 12 where I was diagnosed with left lower lobe pneumonia. Finally on the mend, I will be returning to work tomorrow. This virus is no joke. Highly contagious and makes you very ill and there is nothing you can do but cross your fingers once you have it. I am 49 years old without medical problems and in good shape. My husband, who has an autoimmune condition and is on immunosuppressants, also got it and is now recovered but hearing him start coughing a week after I went into quarantine was one of the most personally scary things I have ever heard.
Stay safe everyone, keep your distance, avoid people who are not wearing masks, wash your hands and RELAX! This too shall pass!