Physician here. Vaccine is safe. mRNA technology has been around for more than a decade and has been used in other vaccines. Over 40K Americans received it during clinical trials. 8 million doses now administered with no surprises. The vaccine is a sequence of about a dozen base pairs of synthetically created genetic code in a lipid carrier base, your cells take up the sequence of code and make antibodies in response to it. What are they making antibodies to? The spike protein on the surface of the virus that allows COVID to gain entry into your cells! Then your body just clears the foreign material the way it does any foreign material, it is not being "incorporated" into your DNA in any way, just giving the message to your DNA of what to code for. How did get on the market so fast? (This is another common concern of those who are "vaccine hesitant") For the last year, every lab, every scientist, all the money has flowed to this one goal of vaccination so we can end this pandemic, a lot of red tape was removed and everything was fast tracked, allowing R&D and manufacture and distribution in record time. Freaking awesome. Not having to grow the virus in eggs (like the flu vaccine) also saved a ton of time (and a ton of eggs). Share with your tenants (if you care to) that you got vaccinated and were not afraid to, many people are just waiting to see if everyone around them starts dropping dead or twitching or speaking in tongues when they get vaccinated. When they realize that's not happening, they may reconsider. Overall, the risk of vaccination is much lower than the risk of COVID, as we are finding more and more long term damage from the virus that will have untold effects on many people for years to come (not to mention the high mortality rate in certain demographic groups). The risks don't even compare. Risk of contracting and spreading and becoming sick from COVID is much, much higher than any vaccine risk. You can also influence people with comments such as, "I sure can't wait until this pandemic is over and life can go back to normal, I missed some great concerts last summer and have my fingers crossed that none of the musicians I am holding tickets for drop dead before I can see them!"