I have a city rowhouse with a 20' sidewalk and 5' wide steps with 9 treads and two 7'x7' landings. It's a 4 family, I just don't want that kind of transactional relationship with any tenants. At another property with just the sidewalk I let the tenants take care of it, but the liability of these steep stairs makes it too important for it to be haphazard or me having to scold them to shovel and salt the walk and steps.
I know in snowy areas people with houses contract plowing for the winter at a flat rate. Is that customary for sidewalks, or do I pay by the hour per storm? We don't get a lot of snow in NJ these days, we've gone seasons recently where I never broke out my snowblower for where I live!
Anyway, any pointers from northern people with urban multifamily properties would be appreciated. I'm going to try and see if any of the long term neighbors want to do it, lots of pre-gentrification folks still here who might be happy to.