Thank you @Tammy Mason @Kenneth Donaghy @Gregg Watkins @Chad Hale; this definitely has shed some light on property inspections during this COVID crisis. I hope the replies to this post are as helpful to other property owners and PM as it has been to me.
Excerpts about the PEAD-V from the FAQ section;
Does the PEAD-V form have to be signed in advance of entering the property? I thought the PEAD form was optional.
Yes. The PEAD form was previously optional. But now the Industry Guidance requires all persons entering the property to 1) comply with the Posted Rules of Entry as a condition of entry, and 2) agree to the prevention plan. So, in signing the PEAD-V, visitors are at the same time agreeing to these two sets of rules – which is required.
Does any other document need to be signed in advance by a person entering the property?
No. Only the PEAD-V needs to be signed. But the prevention plan is pre-checked and attached to the PEAD-V. So, a buyer who electronically signs the PEAD-V will agree to and receive the prevention plan.
Who must sign the PEAD-V?
Every person entering the property including clients, appraisers, inspectors, stagers, contractors, repairmen and even buyer’s agents.
Does the PEAD-V have to be signed electronically?
Yes. Another Industry Guidance rule is that all information must be delivered electronically. Further, agents must discontinue providing handouts or other types of promotional or informational materials. So, the PEAD-V must be signed electronically.
What are other purposes of the PEAD-V?
In addition to obtaining the agreement to follow the Posted Rules for Entry and the prevention plan, the visitor assumes the risk of entering the property and the visitor attests they are not, to the best of their knowledge, afflicted with COVID-19, among other things.