Monthly utilities are what go under the category as fixed costs. I found a good way to estimate the costs is to call the listing agent and just ask. It will not be the most accurate so I would assume that the numbers they give you are low so add maybe a 50% buffer in there for insurance. If you are looking at an off-market deal, call a similar property's agent. When I bought my first place I was pleasantly surprised that trash pickup was covered by the city, so I didn't have to account for that expense!
Closing costs and ARV can be gained by working with a good buyers agent. A good one will close deals in your area on a regular basis and know how much as a percent of the purchase price closing costs will be. They will also be able to give you ARV's; however beware, its your money at the end of the day so you need to learn your target markets and be able to understand why the agents opinion of ARV is either correct or way off.
Repair costs can be the most difficult, but if you can find a good contractor, they may be willing to quote the work on the property before you purchase it.
These are just some quick tips and as is much more involved and takes time to learn, so stick around the site and read EVERYTHING that you can. Then jump in!
Good luck!