@Brian Burke I have a question about the statement you mentioned earlier on this topic.
"You can hire a title company to do the research for you, but they will not be on the hook if they make a mistake...you will."
Have you heard of a title search company having insurance to cover their searches if they miss something like a lien? I found a online company called Protitleusa.com that states on their homepage that: "Every residential search is insured for up to $1,000,000 with our professional liability insurance." I could not find anymore information about this on their website. I did call them with a bunch of questions and talked briefly about their services and when questioned about the statement they told me if they made a mistake I will be cover for up to the $1,000,000.
The property I was interested in was an online auction and which was going to use a quit claim deed and I felt this could be a way to reduce risk. After I thought about their statement a little bit more I e-mail them and asked them for the terms and conditions of the policy. They did e-mail back, but not with the information I was looking for. The response was "Could you please advise the name of the company your represent?" Not sure why they asked for the information, but I explain my situation. Still waiting for a response.
I did not order the report because in the meantime I found that the information about the property listed on the online auction was in my opinion grossly misrepresented and very deceptive which added a lot more risk to the project that was higher than I was willing to take.