Everyone pay attention:
Success to any business depends on its ability to find the right prospects, customers.
Find 10 random people in foreclosure.
Now ask them. Do you want to sell your house (at a discount), Or do you want to keep your house?
10 out of 10 will say “I want to keep my house”.
Now take a tax lien case and ask them the same question: Do you want to sell your house (at a discount ) or do you want to keep your house?
Bet, they will say: “I want to keep my house”.
Do you all understand you are targeting the wrong people? Wait. let me try to paint a picture for you.
If you were blindfolded in the middle of a city and randomly picked people BLINDLY, you would have FAR MORE chance of getting a motivated seller compared to targeted lists.
Well because foreclosures, tax liens, job losses, all these people in these kinds of circumstances, do not want to sell their house, they want to keep their house. You are literally targeting people who do NOT want to sell their house.
Motivation is an emotional RESPONSE to A Circumstance. Not the Circumstance itself.
The emotional response to a person with circumstance of "Foreclosure", is finding ways to KEEP their house. NOT SELL IT!!
Motivation is indeed an emotional thing not a logical thing. You can't go by a checklist and say " Tall grass? CHECK,
Boarded-up windows? CHECK... OK this means he is motivated. NO! Motivation is an emotional RESPONSE to a specific circumstance. Not the circumstance itself.
So this ENTIRE industry is tricking you. All you gurus out there constantly find NEW ways, to target the WRONG people! AI, Lists Propstream, Pocket listing, MLS. It doesn't matter what amazing new way you have to target foreclosures. They are NOT motivated sellers!
People seriously please stop spreading complete non-sense around, because the people new to this WILL believe your crap and you are ruining their lives!
So what you are doing is paying for a list consisting of people who explicitly DO NOT want to sell their house.
People if you truly want to become successful, you seriously need to learn how to use common sense.
Now this is me:
All these leads are motivated off-market, organic leads. I don't lift a finger and I don't pay a cent to get them. These sellers, find me and beg me to PLEASE make them on affor.
So my point is this. These are not people I chose, they took the initiative to reach out to me asking me to please buy their house.
Now, ask me how many of these people here are in foreclosure. Job loss? Relocation?
I RARELY get people you pay money for to chase!
Stop listening to people that tell you to stay "consistent". That tell you that if you are not getting any leads... to.. OMG.. "DO MORE mailers".
For every 3000 mailers you sent, if lucky you get one deal. That means 2999 people out of your list of 3000 said NO to you! That is a 99.97% FAILURE rate.
Yet you happily listen to those who tell you to do MORE of a strategy with a 0.03% success rate.
Come on man.
My mission here is to stop all these scamming gurus fill this industry with all sorts of crap to justify you spending thousands on lists, mailers, SMS.
You can not target motivated sellers. They target YOU!
Hope this stirs the pot a little bit and get some of you to think and realize that what you have been doing is simply wrong!
Good luck everyone, and don't forget to Think On Your Own!