@Sendill Arun
Responses are below
> Thank you for your response. Confirming this is for registering foreign LLC in CA (and not for creating an LLC in CA) ?
This is for registering a foreign LLC in CA.
> How would I get certificate of good standing (assume that is for the existing out of state LLC) ? Is that included for $25 ?
For the existing out of state LLC, you can request a certificate of good standing from Incfile (assuming you registered it with them). It's not included for $25. I didn't request it, but you can request it and I think it's an extra charge. I believe you can request this directly from the state's comptroller for free if you don't want to pay Incfile.
> And when and how do you pay the franchise tax?
My understanding is as follows.
1. For a single-member LLC, the annual franchise tax is $800. For LLCs, "the first-year annual franchise tax is due the 15th day of the fourth month from the date you file your business with the secretary of state. In subsequent years, the annual tax becomes due on the 15th day of the fourth month of your taxable year, which is generally April 15." (https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/what-is-the-annual-california-franchise-tax#:~:text=For%20LLCs%2C%20the%20first%2Dyear,which%20is%20generally%20April%2015.)
2. You may owe income tax on it as well. This may require filing a separate LLC income tax return.
3. I believe all of this is paid separately from the usual CA personal income tax.
I derived some of this information from https://www.ftb.ca.gov/file/wh....
Also, for your previous question
> Do you have any contacts for Lawers / Attorneys that can help me register foreign real estate LLC in CA ?
I'm working with Katie A. Lepore (https://www.mmpph.com/our-team...) from Miller, Monson, Peshel, Polacek & Hoshaw (http://www.mmpph.com). She's been very helpful in getting my questions answered. She would be able to help with registering a foreign LLC and also answer tax questions as well. Her email is listed on the page.