@Jason Roberts I find trying to find rehab partners out in the open market is pretty tough you have to wade through a lot of white noise to find the company your comfortable funding.
And it really depends on the scope of the work.. big pop tops or additions etc require pretty experienced folks.. basic cosmetic rehab's you can take more risk with your JV partner.
And its somewhat market driven.. like @Christopher Brainard was talking about I suspect he did a flip that was north of 1 million or more retail.. and you would expect that kind of return.. And those have their own risk profiles for sure.
If your looking to fund for the starter housing market those usually need to be done in volume.. and were a JV partner can help a flipper is to do volume if its just one at a time no one really gets anywhere as the profits are not enough for anyone.
Key is finding that person and or company that wants a capital partner and does not want to go into debt.. big difference.
There is a successful flipper here in PDX.. who has about 30 or 40 projects going all hardmoney and he was having some issues. I got a look at one of his lenders book his payments were 104k a month.. on the HML vig... that puts a lot of pressure on a person.
If he had a capital partner fund it all he would have NO payments and no cash flow issues.
So in my mind if your just doing a few a year HML is probably the way to go if you want to scale a business you bring on a money partner like most of us have done ... I know I did it that way and continue to do it that way.. I like having no payments and no stress.
Although I did just drop a lendinghome loan to see how it would go.. its the first loan I have ever taken from a institution other than my commercial bank.. and I would say other than some normal red tape they funded pretty fast.. And of course I qualified for the lowest rates but I still had to put significant cash into the deal.. still had to pay the points up front Still have to pay monthly payments. And because its in another state contractors need draws to start which I had to front then get back... So its a cash flow issue for most from what I can see by the time I got my great loan from them I probably had to put out 100k in cash for one deal so that will limit most folks growth.