Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply. All advice helps.
To answer a couple questions...
Marcia Maynard asked why I was homeless.
Well, as always, its a long and complicated story. I'll try to keep it short with as little drama as possible.
I'm 41 I went back to college full time. During the second semester (Dec-1-2015), I was on my way to class when I was in a serious life threatening car accident. I was Non-ambulatory for nearly a year. I had multiple serious surgeries during the first year. (I had over 30 doctors). My Primary Dr. "thought" all repairs were done on me. One surgery in particular was the installation of a metal plate on my pelvis (multiple fractures and complete dislocated hip). For the entire first year, I begged over and over again to have a specialist look at my hip. I was in constant and severe pain. My Doc "assumed" drug seeking behavior and proceeded to remove ALL pain meds. Months went by, and because of the intense pain, I nearly completed suicide. I ended up drinking non stop for months while I begged to get a referral. But in order for ins to cover it, my primary MUST issue a referral for a second opinion. Which he refused to do.
Well I ended up getting a DUI. I than went back to doc and told him, "one of us is going to medicate and manage my pain". 1) He can give me back my meds and monitor them, Or 2) Im going to continue drinking uncontrollably, and probably end up dead.
So he agreed to the meds. But now "insisted" on a specialist to examine my hip. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS BEGGING FOR.... FOR MONTHS!!!!
It took the specialist about 4 SECONDS TO CONFIRM that I needed A FULL hip replacement IMMEDIATELY!!! And in fact he stated that I needed it approximately 4 to 5 months ago!!
He also stated that he knew that I was in serious pain and seeking pain meds. He told me "if I knew how bad your hip was, I would have given them to you myself.
So I was put on the TOP of the emergency list for surgery...
About 6 weeks went by, than I got the hip replaced.
So anyway, bla, bla, bla...
Two weeks after my full hip replacement, I had to go to court for the DUI. I fought it all the way to trial and lost. Well in MN if you fight to trial and loose, Its common that the court will give the MAX sentence. So I ended up in jail for 6 months.
During this time I gave my power of attorney to my sister and told her to rent out the house so the bank doesn't take it.
Once I got out of jail I was and still am fully disabled. I was homeless for 8 months, bouncing from couch to couch. But I did finish my AAS Degree with computers. But because of my age, Im white, I own a "rental" property, well everyone I worked with at the county kept saying that "I slipped through all the cracks" and only qualified for Food support.
It's been a very long painful, stressful, depressing, past 3 years. I could go on and on about all of this, but whatever its the past and I'm Still trying to rebound from all of it... Especially the physical damage done to my body, and the multiple pains that will never stop.
I tried EVERYTHING to get help from the county, the answer was always No. Finally after about 8 months of being homeless, I went back to the county one last time. I told them "If you cant find me some help RIGHT NOW, I will complete suicide as soon as I leave the building". (I was about 75% serious of following through). Well legaly, they cannot allow me to leave the building in that state of mind.
Thats when the supervisor manually OVERRIDDEN the system and allowed me the MAX of $203 a month in emergency cash (which I must repay) to help with housing. Lucky, I met a cool person in jail that just bought a house and let me stay in the living room until the rest of his family moved up to MN So I stayed there for a while.
I finally found a program where they put me into a Motel until an apartment opened up for me.
Now im in a program where my rent is covered with the exception of my $203 emergency cash that I get a month, they take 30% back for rent. It's a bogus charge, but whatever, I have a permanent place to stay that is income based.
So yea, I've been bouncing around and its been tough. I moved 4 times in 8 months
Yes I want to move back in, but until I can return to work I cannot afford it yet.
So that was the VERY SHORT explanation of why I'm not living in the house now, and a very brief overview of the situation i'm living in..
So yea, While I was a FULL time student I all of this happened within about a year and a half... the car accident, the surgeries, the DUI, the jail, my cousin/best friend killed himself, my grandfather died (while i was in jail), homeless, fighting SSI, (and the list goes on and on)..... And now the renters, the non payments, the mortgage, the bills... Bla, Bla, Bla you guys know the game.
But Life goes on.
I am sorry for all of the drama, I only mentioned all of this because I was asked. I tried to keep it short and to the point.
(ALSO... I am aware that I mentioned suicide more than once.. I DID NOT intent to cause alarm or worry to anyone. And yes, my Doctors ARE aware and I am receiving counseling for it. I was told it is basically Standard, normal, and To Be Expected behavior after an accident like I had).
If my comments upset anyone in any way, I am truly sorry.
And I also truly apologize for posting my drama here.
I know that people posting drama on sites like this can really suck. So from this point forward, (unless specifically asked), I will "check my baggage at the door". Thank you for understanding.
Now, as far as the house goes...
Im not sure what I'm going to do yet. I would like to continue on for Computer Programing as a second degree. I'm considering moving back in and it would be easy to find students to rent rooms to. So thats a Strong possibility.
I dont really want to sell it, but along with renting it out again, they are also strong possibilities.
On Dec 27, per a top local lawyer, I reissued an eviction letter again. Not im in the process of jumping through the courts hoops again to have them removed.
So basically Im just starting over again.
(even if its crappy advice like Greg H. posted ((i'm not mad at ya)) LOL!!