Hi Group, (warning LONG post)
I read the Web Marketing forums and thought I'd give my two cents worth on driving traffic to your site... (warning LONG post)
I've found one thing to be true and has EVERYTHING to do with how successful your site is, and thats driving traffic to your site; but not just any traffic.
Traffic: You can get tons of traffic, just go out a buy google adwords "investment property" you'll probably blow $500 overnight an get little return for it.
Quality traffic may be defined as: the Right person, with the Right Problem, getting just the right answer to that question ON YOUR SITE!
The "goal" for ALL web traffic is to convert Traffic to Leads; Leads to Prospects; Prospects to Calls; and Calls to Sales
If your not "meeting the wavelength" of the person who just landed on your site, or a better way to say it...
If you're not answering the question that your prospect seeks an answer to, then your site is just eye candy and a click trap.
The typical client goes to google, or your site with the anticipation that your site will answer the question(s) that they had when they searched for you.
When they landed on your site, they expected you/your company to take care of their issue, either by way of educating them, or causing them to take action on what you can do FOR them.
At the end of the day, you need quality traffic where YOU are the one SOLVING the problem FOR the client who just visited.
Anything less than that is just a hobby.
Ok...so follow me on this logic...
1. I want new "quality" traffic
2. Where does that come from?
3. Sites, or search terms (keywords, or key phrases) that are "pushing" the traffic to your site...which answers a question
4. I.e. "sell my house"
5. On your site you had better get them answers to their question on how to "sell my house"
6. If not...POOF, adios, they're gone
Take my site for example: I "push" certain types of key words to my site via
Posts in other blogs
Google Adwords
I'm successful with this because many other people look for the answers to their questions and I know the questions they are asking, and I provide the answers to those few questions.
It takes time and testing to know whats going on.
On to "quality traffic" I've often wondered how I could "drive" quality traffic to my site contently, while also maintaining the quality type of client that I can solve problems for.
Say I want Investment Property to popup...
I need to know what national sites are the "authority" on this and match their current abilities, and perhaps "push" some of that quality traffic to my site by "mirroring" their successes.
Remember, all this stuff is just a "hammer" in your tool box to build your site. Don't rely on one product or service to "get it done"
If you want more info, just shoot me a quick email. I don't think the moderators will allow me to post it here, but you can quickly visit my site and "contact us" there.
Jason Gray, Manager
Holding & Gray Investments, LLC