Originally posted by @Quinton Slay:
Hey @Account Closed I will give that approach a try. in the end, I am just trying to make our lives better. Thanks for the advice!
im merely translating what everyone here means to say, but theyre just too polite and politically correct to say it in the way that i said it
its all up to you what you want to do. i understand youre just here to ask for other people's opinions, and well, im here to give mine. if you dont want these opinions, them simply dont ask for them.
this woman is talking about having you buy the things she wants for herself (updates to house), and having you pay for them just because "youre her boyfriend". she doesnt appear to have an income yet. shes racked up tons of debt in student loans, and the very job shes going to classes for pays a notoriously low amount of money. from what it sounds like, this is the definition of entitlement and stupidity. i would feel pretty selfish if i were to even mention something as ridiculous as that, and yet im earning nothing.
so suddenly im the bad guy simply warning you about this woman? the rude thing for me to say is to tell you to stick with this woman and say the total opposite of what i just said, but im not going to do that since most of the time, it will end up in a catastrophe either to your relationship or your bank account.
its pretty clear to me that her "financial blueprint" is set for having less than zero net worth, and yours is set for much higher than zero. when you mix these two opposites in a relationship, its only a matter of time before something bad happens. it might not be today, or a year from now, or even fifteen years from now, but it will eventually happen. theres more women out there who have the same mindset as you to meet.