Thank You for the replies.
Jake, I had envisioned a scenario similar to yours in that I would make the change gradually from one career to the next by doing double duty. This would be very achievable with my current situation. As for the Investor/ Realtor question I would like to do both simultaneously. The end goal I guess would be to be a full time investor later on but I would like to learn the real estate business part also.
Gino, I commend your courage, that is a big step. The investor in me is here for the long game but i don't know if getting a license for just my use would be a good fit. as it is right now i dont do enough volume to warrant it on my own deals.
Brandon, that was a little of what I was looking for, I have enough Friends family that have taken on a real estate job at one time or another and have heard the bad stories( you seldom hear the success stories when something doesn't work out). I am only tied to GR in that I wish to keep living here, other than that i travel the entire west side of Michigan for my work now.
Thanks again for the input