I have an architecture degree and have been in the field since graduating in 2002. I went to college for something I enjoy to do, but I have seen how the economy effects the industry. When times are good banks loan money, investors borrow, architects design and contractors build. When the economy is down things can get tight as banks get tight fisted with money.
I think you are wise to ask the questions now, because things change when you are no longer scrimping to support yourself to scrimping to support a family. Your skills in architecture transfer well into real estate, so I don't see your decision as needing to be either or.
There have been many good points made to you here. I think a base income under you while you gain the know-how of real estate is important. Just a recommendation, but check into what schools offer online course/ degrees. I have heard that some schools discount their costs for online schooling. An associates degree was mentioned... That would provide a better chance at getting a better paying job without sinking you really deep into debt. I have seen people make bad deals in real estate when they feel they need to make something happen because real estate was their only income.