@Scott Meyers
Thanks for weighing in. It does seem like the website with online rental capability and smart phones is where things are heading. Maybe I just need to install really good signage that tells people they can rent online, and also use a call center.
However, I do need to figure out something much better than the Sitelink-provided website. It seems like Easy Storage Solutions works well for smaller facilities because they offer a full-featured package and focus on what's helpful to small businesses. So you don't get hung up on figuring out all the pieces. You can just set it up and get on with it.
I've read and watched videos that say Sitelink is good when you have a large facility or multiple facilities, because it has open API to integrate with other services. But I have 1 facility with 140 units (to start with!). It's overwhelming to select a bunch of different vendors to integrate with Sitelink for all the different things that make it possible to run most of your business online. I'm also figuring out what the total cost will be for all these things. I'm wondering if they are just too big for a small facility...
Right now using the Sitelink-provided website is hurting my business. The template is so restrictive. It doesn't let me change some important things, some things don't line up very well, and it's not mobile-friendly. I know it is important to have a blog so I can provide some helpful info to customers and to help with SEO, but a blog is absolutely not available unless I hire a 3rd party to host a website and integrate with Sitelink.
Most importantly, Sitelink does not use my domain name. What??? When customers navigate to my website domain name, they are immediately redirected to https://www (sitelink store domain) / (my facility name). Google hates this. Three times in the past 18 months, Google has deleted my website link from GoogleMyBusiness listing. One time it was early in the month when rents were coming in. Customers were calling in their payments and saying they couldn't find the website. It took 3 days for Google to accept the profile edit to add the website back to the listing. Argh! I know I rank lower in search results because of this, and because I can't post some blog articles, and do other things to help SEO.
I'm reluctant to turn on or start online rentals until I address these concerns, which I'm working on. For now, I have great street visibility and low vacancy while I figure it out!
I've sent in emails to Sitelink tech support. The response was polite, but they said what I want is not available from them. Pay for and work with a 3rd party for a website.
Since I'm starting to shop kiosks, other management software companies, and 3rd party vendors, I wanted to give Sitelink a chance to tell me what they offer. So I sent another email to Sitelink Sales on 5/2 with these concerns / questions and more. I'm still waiting to hear from them, and I hope they get back to me soon. I may call them today to see what's up!