I have found some good deals on Craigslist, and by just talking to a lot of people and handing out cards. Be genuinely interested in them, not for just what you can get from them.
MLS is not the best place to find them. But, if the property has been on the market for over 90 days and needs work, you may find a deal.
Get on wholesalers buyers lists. That will help you to learn what the wholesale market is like.
Call everyone who has a FSBO sign in their yard and listen to them tell you their story about why they are selling. Sometimes you can help them and make money doing it.
I suggest that you keep in mind that the price the seller is asking, means very little to you. They are looking for a retail price, and you are buying wholesale.
What does matter, is running the numbers and see if it is a good deal. Offer what is the right price for you. BP has very good analysis tools to use to work the numbers.
But, you have to first have a buyers list yourself. Otherwise, how are you going to sell that good deal you find? Ask buyers what they are looking for, and what they don't want. (I don't like pools or old houses.) Ask, what % of ARV they want to buy at. Ask if they can buy for cash.