Dear Victoria,
I do not share your optimism and do not believe that your assessment of the stock market is entirely relevant to the benefits of investing in Philadelphia real estate.
While you’ve gone out of your way to provide a number of compelling data points on the market, I think the balance sheets of most public traded companies tell a very different tale. If that isn’t compelling enough the number of Covid cases and it’s effect on our return to normal should be.
However, none of this seems to stop the unbridled optimism of an uneducated investor. I for one prefer to invest with logic over trends (albeit to my own detriment from time to time.)
Regarding the philly real estate market in the building class C/B market, investors have been buying properties and making deals for slightly above equity gains for the past number of years. If you weren’t heavy leveraging the assets of your business you were missing out. I know this because I’m one of them, and my conservative strategy and high requirement for returns made it difficult to close deals.
Commercial and some residential properties will inevitably have high rates of evictions and landlords and investors at some point in time will have to divest. Few people have the stomach to have a business or property that costs them money. This in turn will could flood the market with properties, and perhaps depress the price points of rents as high quality tenants become harder do find.