I have a property which has been vandalised by previous tenants and is currently with my insurer for a claim. They have assessed the property but it has been around 6 weeks and the claim has still not been completed. I've been told it's in the queue. I don't know if I will receive a cash settlement or whether the insurer will want to organise for repair or replacement of items (painting as walls have been defaced, flooring which has been destroyed, missing toilet, boarded up window, destroyed fridge among other things). My question is, can I get the property repaired prior to the claim being finalised (this could drag on and on), and what would happen if they decided they wanted to organise to pay contractors direct? If I have already completed the works and paid the contractors, is this acceptable and would they then pay me? I want to sell the property once finished, so I am not concerned about my premium going up, hence why I went the insurance route, knowing I will get more than my deductible. I just want to move forward and get things done. My property has now been vacant for nearly 3 months.