Personally I don't think they are comparable....very very different investments.
Very few syndicators offer the opportunity to invest in 100 or 1000 units for example in different locations, where you can do that with an ETF...broad market ETF might have 100 stocks or more in 100 different companies. Same investment in multi-family might get you 1 deal in one location. Hurricane hits and your investment could be wiped out.
Some stocks this week had exchange rate risk...I don't ever hear about that in syndications....I guess there could be, but much less likely.
Stocks...including ETF you see a lot of volatility these days....20% swings in good companies in a single lots of things out of your control. For the most part I would not think most real estate assets ever see that swing in a single day, unless there is that hurricane or some other unique, flood, plant shut down in a one employer town, things like that.
Also lots of small operators in the syndication space....plenty have just a handful of deals under their belts in a specific geographic area....They may have hit 3 home runs with little effort on the results.....where if you look at a large syndicator with lots of deals spread around the USA...overall returns might be lower, but risk likely lower too as they're more experienced, and returns average out over poor, good, and great locations.
I think the big telling factor will be in about 2-3-4 years when the bridge debt comes due...If we get a big recession and either lending dries up or lender underwriter standards change, there will be some syndicators in big trouble....will have a tough time selling, won't be able to refinance, will be going back to investor for capital calls. I don't remember the year now, but maybe around 2009 seems like there was this big wipeout of jobs in middle management....that potentially could happen again...depending how the recession goes. If you get a big wipeout of tech jobs for example, where people can replace their great pay, we could have some real issues....
Many of the deals I'm getting pitched today are very very different from even just a year ago...and not in a good way.
Good luck out there...there are great operatorsyou just have to find them, and then look very carefully at each deal they pitch...and then keep your fingers crossed.