@Christopher Andujar @Kyle Gregg @Nathan Paisley @Abu Kemahj @Chaz Reid @Derek Carroll I exclusively wholesale virtually. It's only as risky as your process and contracts are. The way I do it, it's nearly zero risk, except for the thousands I spend every month in marketing money. I've closed both contract assignments and double closes this way.
I used to use a guy on the ground to take pictures for me and do up a simple repair list, but it's not completely necessary. Your buyers will be able to give you the feedback you need.
I did learn virtual wholesaling from Cris Chico, who has a pretty good course about it. But you'll have to pick up a few details on your own (for example try figuring out how to post on Craigslist for a town that's far away---it doesn't let you). I'd also highly recommend learning from Sean Terry, as his stuff is super thorough, and most of his information he makes available for free.
Wholesaling is the same no matter your location. You just need good tools and need to learn how to use them. The hardest part of doing it virtually is getting good at closing deals over the phone.
Or as another poster said previously, you can bring the leads and partner with a local wholesaler, which sounds like an excellent idea.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.