I'm going to college within the next year and a priority of my is going into college with a plan of what my career will look like. My goal is to be a full time real estate investor but I couldn't be a full time investor right out of school because of the lack of money. I'll need to build up my portfolio of properties over the years to eventually go full time. I was either thinking about becoming an real estate agent or working in the financial industry until I could quit and be a full time investor. Being an agent seems to have its benefits such as the MLS and other reasons but i'm afraid I won't be able to make enough money to get investment properties fast enough. That's why i'm thinking about the financial industry because I could try my best to land a job at a investment bank or private equity company, make around $60-80k a year, pay off student loans then buy investment properties. So the overall question is: what's the best career path to eventually becoming a real estate investor full time? Is being an agent the best or working in another industry better?
Any full time investors have advice for me? I appreciate any advice or guidance!