we have all seen that the USA economy has affected worldwide stock markets.
I have been reading books on economics lately, not just USA but Africa and international. one of the books (incidently that Obama has read) discusses the future economics of our world based on the thesis that the rest of the world will have a higher standard of living in the future, and what this means for America is that rather than being the sole superpower that America will have to learn to get along with other rising economies in the future.
the most important point I have come across so far, is that what we need is more entrepreneurs not more welfare, not just in the USA, but in economies in general, including Africa and everywhere else. aid is good for temporary but not permanently.
politics have their role in regulating but they are not business entrepreneurs (excepting a rare few). so I thought I would throw this out there, for those who may be thinking 20-30 years down the road, and what will be the next step long after our current situations have been taken care of and our current politicians are no longer in office etc.