@Eric Marofske,
It seams to be in the ball park so far. I'm planning on long term hold for three of the properties, but I keep going back and forth on the last.... it was purchased as a residence, not an investment, so it wouldn't make money if I had to have it managed.
Example: triplex, income is about 36000/year, That's 1800 for fixing things. Most years, I spend less, this year I'm spending more. The reason I've done better than this to date is because I do all my own big ticket work. Plumbing and electrical I do myself, while I have a couple guys that work for me on painting, roofs, etc...
I also haven't been able to track it for very long, since most of my buildings have been undergoing improvements. Like I said in my first post, the additional money I need to bring it up to speed is somewhere else on the spreadsheet. When I bout the 4plex and 2 units needed to be gutted, a garage finished and all the windows changed... those items are up front, not part of the monthly allotment... even though I haven't finished them yet.
I think you are right though. If I had to hire out everything, 5% would probably come in low on buildings as old as mine.