Hi Christopher, it all depends on what your overall plan is. If you are looking at a few buy-n-hold properties then it might not be worth the admin and cost to do this in a business. If you do however put the house in an LLC, then this entity will need its own bank account.
Personally i think you would be better off with just buying the property in your own name/s (which will also make it easier for the refi down the road), and bypass the need for the LLC. I know that people like to say that they have an investment company that owns the properties, which is a great vehicle if you intend to build a portfolio, but there is some additional admin and cost. While it is not impossible to refi a property owned by an LLC, it is considered a commercial loan and handled differently. (on a side note i will put the next house i purchase in my own name specifically for this reason).
One of the main considerations of being a landlord is the liability risk which should be covered with adequate insurance, applicable to owning both directly or in an LLC - please don't neglect this. Also if you are doing this with your partner you should both agree on the approach and ensure that your affairs are in order specifically w.r.t the property ownership.
Otherwise good luck and all the best.