As part of due diligence on a property i am buying in Evanston, I wanted to share what steps I went through for requesting FOIA:
FOIA request can be made online and it was very easy. I filed it a few days ago and it can take a few days to receive the info: let's see.
Website to file the request:
I spoke to the the City of Evanston also for any suggestions and they were quite helpful. Your rental has to be registered with the city and you can verify that. They provided the permit info and also suggested to file for FOIA request online. Also, I understood that the city will be verifying any outstanding items and let the buyer know before the "real estate transfer stamp" is completed <= This can take a minimum of 5 days. With this in mind, maybe requesting FOIA is redundant but i filed it anyways.
Website to request info on permits:
If I am missing anything or if there are any other suggestions then please add.