@Emory Clayton
Sounds really fishy.Those applicants are a pass for me if it is happening on my rental.On my LTRs ,i strictly donot lease anything less than 12 months. "MY RENTAL ,MY TERMS" I am from Tx and i do provide washer ,dryer and refringerator in my rentals .Just a nice perk and a nice selling point.I do charge that in the rent on back end as if a similar ppty with out those rents for 2000$/month then mine will be for $2100-2150/month. Appliances has its own head aches ,wear and tear and complaints .Circling back to your case ,your appicants sounds too pushy which is a red flag.They want it for 6 months ,when clearly your ppty is clearly advertised for LTR .They want utilities included and washer and dryer installed.BIG RED FLAG.They are too demanding.You are the Landlord and not them.Donot flex your criteria and property for the applicants.Tomorrow they will come back and say the compressor unit is too loud and must be replaced,cabinets are not shaker style and closes hard while closing and needs to be replaced etc etc.
To me this above mentioned applicants are a pass .