Hello everyone,
In an effort to learn the trade and build capital for my 1st investment (coming soon, I can feel it!!!!), Im getting into bird-dogging deals for 2 investors.
Im doing actively (parallel to my full time job) this at 2 levels for 2 different types of investors.
A small level investor friend of mine, whom I trust, but have never worked with yet.
A larger level investor who I convinced that I could bring value to him by stating the numbers on a deal I had found but did not have the out put for. That deal was gone i a matter of days after I had I on my desk through a friend who could not make of move in that order of magnitude, This second investor I someone I dont really know and therefore have to build mutual trust with, His league is in the multi million euro deals: my market is Berlin, Germany.
I have 2 question:
- What kind of commission can I get for doing this ? Are there any industry standards-ish or Can anyone advise me on a commission schedule. The deals Im look into range from 45,000.€ to 2,5 million.
- How do I guarantee that I will not get cut out of the deal I bring to my investors, specifically the big one whom I dont know well?
Thanks a lot for the help!