@Regina Sitterley Thank you, that's a great reminder to be present. Also, a mother's helper keeps coming up, so I'll have to check into that! I have been listening to podcasts while breastfeeding, so the shower/driving tip is helpful too -- thanks!
@Karen Margrave Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you mentioned the idea of babyproofing the entire house! That's a great idea, because there are times he gets out of my approved area when I'm engaged in something, and I have to stop to get him. This way, I can worry less. Thanks!
I actually can't wait to take him onto jobs, I'd love him to get interested in doing this, I can't wait for him to learn and have the opportunities I never did as a kid. Oh, I wanted to do real estate my whole life, was so interested in houses, but didn't have any family doing it, or in any related field. I talked to a woman recently whose dad and uncle took her on jobs and taught her all about it! So jealous! It seems with many things, you really need to know someone. I called a construction company about interning for free when I was a 15 (over 20 years ago), and was told they don't hire females because they're too distracting to the men! Wow, that was discouraging.... my dreams went on the backburner for a while after that. :/
How did you get him to be quiet and calm during meetings and phone calls? Please share! I used to do company training for Hilton, and the HR Director let a lady bring her toddler to Orientation, and boy oh boy, he was all over the place and making noise, I had to ask her to leave. :(
LOL, graveyard, that's a good one!
@Samantha Hiscock Thanks for the reminder that I can't take him everywhere. Not that I want to, but I do feel like I'll have to sometimes, and it's good to hear that I need to remind myself I can't, so I can be professional.
I'm also so grateful you mentioned how flexible real estate is, and therefore a good career for people with kids, because this is a great reminder that if I went back to a regular job, I will most likely not have this kind of flexibility. I will ultimately make my own hours at this, whereas I could not do that when I was an HR Manager (there was some flexibility, but not this much). So thank you. :)
@David Faulkner Ah yes, planning and efficiency! Thanks for helping imprint those keys in my brain. I keep telling hubby we need to "rehab" our system and schedule to make this work with the baby (I just don't know what that looks like yet!). I do wish I could trust my local family to watch him solo, but there's reasons it won't work. Poo. So I'm thinking I'll check into this mother's helper thing... have someone watch him "near" me (like across the room), so I can still keep an eye on things while doing business, ideally.