This may have been said already, I didn't read every response... Even in Washington, where it is legal to grow your own in small amounts, I know that people have been denied re-fi's if there was even a single plant in the house. Also, if you have any damages that you need reimbursed from your insurance, will likely be declined if they think anyone was growing, even if it wasn't the source of the problem (gives them a way out of paying).
There are a number of start-ups in Washington that though quite popular just didn't have enough $ to pay for all the expenses involved and ended up going under. If you are the owner of the property with others doing the growing you have to be sure that they pay you regularly or you will evict them, often you will be the last to get paid as they need to pay for utilities ($10k+ mo.) and the cost of labor and supplies to keep the operation going and making $.
I've heard that store owners and production companies do much better financially (in Washington you can't grow and sell or make edibles, there are 3 different licenses) they have less overhead and less risk of issues with the crops to contend with.
Good luck!