Best advice, get started young! You are doing that, so well done. I'd say definitely try to use your ability to move around and be flexible while investing. If you can move into a place and work on it, saving yourself overhead, protecting your project, those can be good things and you'll also meet the neighbors and probably pick up more deals that way. Don't get your real estate license, would be my other advice. I'm a Broker of 20 years and the reality is that you become a target, you are considered an expert in your field (even if you haven't sold a thing, per the law in AZ) and you are held to a higher standard. That can result in liability and having to make disclosures of being licensed etc, when you are really just looking for deals. That said, study and read these forums and pay attention to everything, but make sure you don't just blindly swallow everything! I'm from Chicago and know you are a smart guy or you wouldn't be going to Loyola (I got into Depaul, arch rivals!)... ended up at Northern thanks to finances. Anyways, you can try hitting me up when you are in Phoenix and depending on how busy I am I might be able to meet up.