We recently learned a tough lesson. I provide the basics here so you do not have to go to the school of hard knocks as did we. You can go to BP school.
In our area, once Section 8 does a walkthru inspection, the report becomes law. I would imagine this is universal throughout the country, but since Section 8 is run at the local level, I am not sure.
We got written up for a torn screen (window) in the winter. It wasn't trashed, just had a tear in it. We dragged our butt and eventually got it repaired. Then we dragged our butt getting the form into Sec 8 saying it was repaired. We missed the deadline on the form, thinking our ‘real’ deadline was to have the screen repaired by Spring as the job of a window screen is to keep bugs out when the window is open (but since when do you apply logic when talking about the government).
They held 2 months of rent based on ‘faulty property’. Unfortunate, but understandable, we thought. This is to ensure we actually DO get the screen repaired. The first month we just thought there was an accounting irregularity or admin mistake. We honestly never associated the screen repair with the payment. It didn’t even occur to us. Plus, payment was on the accounting side and screen repair on the maintenance side. These people talk in our company (we are all family and some of us live together), but again, it never occurred to us that WE NEEDED TO TALK. By the time someone actually returned our calls at Sec 8, the beginning of the next month had come and gone and we had the 2nd month’s payment held.
It turned out that ‘held’ was a bad choice of words on their part as (to me at least) it implies that we will get it paid at some later date. ‘Lost’ would have been a better choice of words. We failed to earn almost $500 in rent for a 6†tear in a screen that cost $15 to replace. We tried fighting to no avail.
Dumb mistake on our part - who would have thunk it?
Our new company policy is to treat those repair reports like GOLD. Everyone in the company has been briefed on the importance. We have every intention of not making the same mistake twice.
Hopefully, this thread will keep you from making the mistake the first time.