There are always risks when investing in real estate but the online “Cash Now” auction house helps you dramatically decrease those risks in two ways -
- Comprehensive Reliable Data
For each auctioned property nTrustent provides a report from a certified home inspector and repair quotes from a qualified contractor. Also included are insurance quotes, holding costs, taxes, and much more.
- In-depth Financial Analysis for Maximum aROI
nTrustent TMVision is a patent-pending financial tool that actually lets you visualize your risks as easily as a traffic light - green to go-for-it, yellow to proceed with caution, and red to stop you from entering a danger zone. This pro-forma model is populated with all the detailed property-specific data as mentioned above, all you do is insert YOUR numbers - cost of money, desired aROI, time in-hand, etc. - it then calculates all the variables and presents you with a visual guide to your best offer, along with the consequences of multiple alternate offers.
At nTrustent it’s FREE to be a bidder, FREE to use nTrustent TMVision, and all the researched data is provided to you for FREE!
nTrustent knows that FREE Service, Enriched Data and Analyzed Risk means Saved Time & Increased Profit for YOU!
Come visit us at and start investing with knowledge and confidence. We are currently focusing on lucrative properties in North Carolina.