I have an Associates degree in medical assisting.
It's sad to say that I was in high debt for this degree but I can't keep beating myself for it. I graduated in 2001 and continued to be in the healthcare field until now. 16 years later, after several times in attempting to get my BS degree, after having 3 children, I did not finish. Priorities have changed and thankfully, I was introduced to Real Estate Investing. It was like "love at first sight." I finally found a career that I wanted to stick with and actually had passion for.
The field that I've been in for the last 16 years has helped me understand people from every walk of life. Having discerned the good ones from the bad ones and learning how to deal with the bad ones. Training others played a big role in my field. I see all of this as great experience and leverage to be successful in my Real Estate business as a great landlord.
I need 20 units making at least $200 cash flow each unit to equal what I'm making now at my day job. Planning to quit my 9-5 when this happens.
I'm currently fixing my finances and absorbing the education. It has already been a heck of a ride for me doing this but I know it'll be worth it. Once I build momentum, my BP family would be the first to know about my success stories.
Wishing you all success!