My observation from my wealth management days... There are two general paths.
1- Sell your time and work to earn a high income. Save as much of that income as you can stand too and put it primarily in 401ks iras etc. the stock market, when done properly, is the best yielding long term savings vehicle there is. These people at a certain age will switch from growing the pile of money with savings to monetizing the pile they’ve grown and be FI. This works with exceptionally high income earners who can resist spending it. Docs, execs, lawyers, good sales people... they don’t have the time left to do real estate correctly.
2- learn to invest in real estate and businesses (cash flowing investments). Grow the cash flow. Nobody from this side of the equation Should invest in the market UNTIL they’re rich enough to worry about asset preservation and diversification. Otherwise a 401k is crippling their growth by sucking their liquidity dry. These people can get richer and don’t need a lot of income or high degree level to get there. But broad is the path and narrow is the way.