Rich Ng, She has been trying to get the home appraised through my permission for the last month and a half ever since my mother passed away on 3-31-16 so I haven't done anything yet because of the title issue and I'm also cleaning up the place and improving the landscape which takes some time. If I would've went through with appraising and putting it on market as she suggested, It would've been on market a month ago (If they could even post it with an inaccurate title) with my name and address incorrect which would make the deed incorrect. She specifically only wants it appraised by the realtor of her choice which her and her dad have known for years, I found a realtor that was willing to market in more places which gives us a chance of listing for more but she oddly refuses. I thought something was fishy when she wouldn't want to sell it for more but simultaneously she's concerned about getting the most money. Thanks for the response it is much appreciated.